Saphir Recrut understands that each business has specific needs, from hiring to retiring. We focus on the following services:

1. Search & Select


Our responsibility is to find suitable candidates for job vacancies by activating the target group under a customized action plan.

Then we repeatedly evaluate the candidates with several specialized tools (e.g., tests, questionnaires, assessment cases).

Finally, we select the individual best suited to the job requirements and the company`s culture, values, and beliefs.



2. Stay Interview


A stay interview is an interview between a Saphir Recrut consultant and the employee, taking place after a certain employment period. It amounts to a set of targeted exploratory questions, and its role is to identify why employees stay in a company, what might cause them to leave and what aspects should be improved.

This type of integrated interaction is a powerful tool for:

building trust with employees.
assessing the degree of employee satisfaction and engagement.
improving the company retention strategy.
contributing to employee turnover.


3. Exit Interview


An exit interview is a meeting between a Saphir Recrut consultant and the terminating employee.
It is an opportunity for the companies to gain insights into what caused the employee to leave, obtain feedback, or review every individual experience.
The benefits of conducting an effective exit interview are:

collecting useful information to identify areas of improvement or change.
reducing the turnover and the costs associated with it.
increasing the productivity and engagement of employees.
identifying former employees who can become company ambassadors.




For candidates

Resume help/CV designing
Job application help
Interview tips

*All our services to job seekers are free of charge.


For companies

